Dmi Sports Ht 250 6' Air Hockey Table With Goal Flex Technology
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Dmi Sports Ht 250 6' Air Hockey Table With Goal Flex Technology Overview
The new technology in air hockey design, DMI Sports unveils Goal Flex Technology on this HT 250 6-ft Air Hockey Table. Goal Flex has no goal slots, with electronic widening or narrowing of the goals to match the skill level. The puck never enters a goal, making for continuous play. The other new feature is the 10 LED with side display scoring that includes up to 180 game variations. It assembles in minutes and includes 2 pucks and 2 pushers.
Dmi Sports Ht 250 6' Air Hockey Table With Goal Flex Technology Feature
- Electronic Scoring System--It allows you to continue play without having to keep track of the score.
- Battery Operated Scoring System--A convenient feature that offers you an electronic score-keeping device that does not require a wall outlet.
- Model Number: HT250
- Number of Players: 2
- Table Length: 75 Inches