Blue And Yellow Football Helmet Sculpture Neon Sign
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Blue And Yellow Football Helmet Sculpture Neon Sign Overview
Blue And Yellow Football Helmet Sculpture Neon Sign features multi-colored, hand blown neon tubing which plugs into a black base. The base has an on and off switch, and can be adapted to sit on a shelf or hang on a wall. These neon light sculptures have a warm mesmerizing glow, and are powered by solid state transformers, which operate silently and more efficiently than incandescent bulbs. This Blue And Yellow Football Helmet Sculpture Neon Sign also features:
Blue And Yellow Football Helmet Sculpture Neon Sign Feature
- Size: 12" W x 12" L x 6" D
- Hand Blown Neon Sculpture
- Mulit-Colored Neon Light Inspired Products
- On/Off Switch
- Adapts to sit on a shelf or hang on a wall